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Archives by date

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Sunday 1 November 2015

Sunday 1 November 2015 Now the nights are really drawing in, light shining in the darkness is firmly rooted in our traditions. The youngsters of Holy Trinity had a great […]

Sunday 18 October 2015

Sunday 18 October 2015

Hi Here is HT’s contribution for this week: It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that autumn has arrived and with it the churches’ celebrations of Harvest Festival. At Holy Trinity […]

Sunday 27 September 2015

Holy Trinity    27 September 2015 The current refugee crisis seems almost too enormous to grasp.  It was therefore good last week to join together in an ecumenical service of vigil […]

Sunday 13 September 2015

Hi Could you please use the following in Holy Trinity’s spot? At Holy Trinity we have a variety of worship leaders: Andrew, our Rector is also Dean of the Diocese […]

Sunday 6 September 2015

Hi Could you please include the following in HT’s spot this week? Sometimes the troubles of the world can seem overwhelming, especially now that communication is so immediate, and we […]

Sunday 30 August 2015

Holy Trinity 30 August 2015 We welcomed the children and young people back with us for Sunday School after the summer break. Dean Andrew told them that both they and […]

Sunday 23 August 2015

Holy Trinity    23 August 2015 This week Holy Trinity had a visit from the ex primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Bishop Bruce Cameron and his wife Elaine. It was […]

Sunday 16 August 2015

Holy Trinity 16 August 2015 Elaine, our Curate was with us on Sunday and preached. The gospel theme continued on Jesus as the bread of life. Elaine said the disciples […]

Tea, Coffee & chat

Sunday 9 August 2015

How wonderful it was to share with our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Cowal at an Ecumenical Songs of Praise in the High Kirk. A packed church meant […]

Sunday 02 August 2015

Holy Trinity 2 August 2015 On Sunday our gospel reading was Jesus declaring ‘I am the bread of life’. Dean Andrew explained that the crowds were following Jesus because they […]

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