Sunday 18 October 2015

Here is HT’s contribution for this week:

It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that autumn has arrived and with it the churches’ celebrations of Harvest Festival. At Holy Trinity we began our celebration in style on Saturday evening with a harvest supper in the High Kirk Hall. Lots of folk turned up for a jolly evening of food and home-grown entertainment. Who knew we had so much talent? Ann’s rendering of the ‘Jeely Piece Song’ had us singing along and we sincerely hope Dean Andrew made it to the church on time!

He did. Sunday morning we had an all-age service of Harvest Thanksgiving. The youngsters acted out the Parable of the Sower and helped to collect the gifts brought by the congregation. These were donations to the Dunoon Food Bank and Starter Packs. Not forgetting the harvest from the sea and those who work aboard the ships which ply the seas carrying goods to and from our shores, there was a retiring collection for the Mission to Seafarers. Jessie MacFarlane made her first communion from the Harvest loaf baked by Dean Andrew. After the service an infestation of ‘harvest mice’* was rapidly cleared by the youngsters while the adults enjoyed coffee and home-baking.
* All ‘harvest mice’ complied with food standards and seem to have appeared when Dean Andrew baked the Harvest loaf…
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