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Dunoon Paper

10 June 2024 - Prayer walk through Dunoon

10 June 2024 – Prayer walk through Dunoon

A GROUP of Christians from four Cowal churches united for a special prayer walk through Dunoon this week. The dedicated worshippers began their walk on Monday morning which took them […]

7 May 2022 - Holy Trinity Spring Coffee Morning

7 May 2022 – Holy Trinity Spring Coffee Morning

Holy Trinity Spring Coffee Morning NOW THAT things are getting back to normal following the removal of Covid-19 restrictions, Holy Trinity church has started to resume its events calendar. On […]

Sunday 1 May 2022 - Sea Sunday

Sunday 1 May 2022 – Sea Sunday

Seafarers service ON SUNDAY at Holy Trinity the service was led by the Reverend Tim Tunley, the Scotland Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers. Holy Trinity has supported the Mission […]

New Bishop consecrated in Oban

New Bishop consecrated in Oban

ON SATURDAY (May 1) the Scottish Episcopal Church today celebrated the consecration of The Rt Rev Dr Keith Riglin as the new Bishop of Argyll and The Isles at a […]

Holy Week and Easter at Holy Trinity - 2021

Holy Week and Easter at Holy Trinity – 2021

THE WEEK from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is one which Christians mark in real time as they follow Jesus from his entry into Jerusalem, the place of his confrontation […]

2021 February - Ash Wednesday

2021 February – Ash Wednesday

LENT IS traditionally a time of self-denial in the Christian tradition, but in this time of enforced denial of freedoms the rector of Holy Trinity has other plans for his […]

Holy Trinity - Candlemas

Holy Trinity – Candlemas

LOCKDOWN SEEMS so hard this time around. Maybe, our winter weather, or the fear of the faster spread of the virus. So as we came to church on Sunday, albeit […]

New bishop for Argyll and the Isles

New bishop for Argyll and the Isles

IN A historic first online episcopal election, the Diocese of Argyll & The Isles has chosen a new Bishop. The Rev Canon Dr Keith Riglin was selected today by the […]

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