Sunday 23 August 2015

Holy Trinity    23 August 2015

This week Holy Trinity had a visit from the ex primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Bishop Bruce Cameron and his wife Elaine. It was a trip down memory lane for Bishop Bruce as his parents had lived in Dunoon for many years and are buried here. He enjoyed seeing the restored church building.

On Sunday Canon Hugh Lee continued with the Gospel theme of Jesus’ words ‘I am the bread of life’. This part of the account tells of many people drifting away as the teaching was too difficult. Hugh told us it was all too easy to scorn the Bread of Life thinking we already had a good life. Would we, too, drift away? Hugh said he hoped, like Peter when questioned by Jesus, we would say ‘to whom shall we go, only you have the words of Eternal Life’

We are looking forward to helping at the Haven coffee tent at Cowal Games run by all the churches in Dunoon. All proceeds go to the Hospice and there are games for the children. Come and meet us.

Details of services and other activities at Holy Trinity are on our website  All are welcome.