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Sunday 19 July 2015

Way back in 2008 our wee church was facing a crisis. The church and rectory were in a state of disrepair, we needed financial help from the province to pay […]

Sunday 12 July 2015

Summer at Holy Trinity brings our regular visitors from the airts and pairts, and this Sunday we were delighted to welcome the Revd. Ruth LaMonte and her husband, Ed, from […]

Sunday 5 July 2015

Elaine Garman from Rothesay began work as our new trainee curate this Sunday and was thrown in at the deep end with a preach as well as deaconing for Hugh. […]

The Haven at Cowal Games

Dunoon churches are repeating “The Haven” café at the Cowal Highland Gathering on the 26th and 27th August 2016.  The café tent on the hill in the stadium has run […]

New Curate for Holy Trinity Dunoon & St Paul’s Rothesay

              On Saturday 27 June 2015 the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, ordained Rosemary Bungard and Elaine Garman as […]

Holy Trinity welcomes the Bishop of Zanzibar

On the 19th of  February 2015, we had a visit from Bishop Michael Hafidh, the Bishop of Zanzibar, and the diocesan Secretary General Rev Nuhu Sallanya. The Episcopal Diocese of […]