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Sunday 16 August 2015

Holy Trinity 16 August 2015

Elaine, our Curate was with us on Sunday and preached. The gospel theme continued on Jesus as the bread of life. Elaine said the disciples were having difficulty grasping Jesus’ words and understanding who he was.

She said the charge was the same for us now. Who do we think Jesus is? Do we really believe Jesus came to show us what God was like? If so what impact does that have on our lives? If we follow Jesus we have eternal life! We have a choice but we cannot be neutral!

Over coffee we considered the results from our mission planning session and voted using coloured dots for those activities we thought God was calling us to do over the next three years.

Details of services and other activities at Holy Trinity are on our website www.holytrinitydunoon.co.uk. All are welcome.