Sunday 1 May 2022 – Sea Sunday

Seafarers service

ON SUNDAY at Holy Trinity the service was led by the Reverend Tim Tunley, the Scotland Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers. Holy Trinity has supported the Mission to Seafarers for a number of years and it is always good to see Rev Tim and to be updated on the Mission’s work.

Rev Tim began by asking what we would want for someone we love who was a long way from home. He said that he would want the gift to be a friend, someone who could talk to the person, take them shopping or sightseeing, be there when needed or act as an advocate. Rev Tim added that the vision of Mission to Seafarers Scotland is to be that friend, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Rev Tim reminded us why we should support the Seafarers. He told us that 95 per cent of the goods and food we bought in the UK had come in by ship.

He said that there had been real issues due to Covid. The Seafarers were not able to come ashore and that affected many of them. He added that now, in addition, the war in Ukraine had brought different problems to the many Seafarers from that region in the world.

Rev Tim reminded and thanked us for the good support we had given and asked us to continue with our prayers and support for the Seafarers.

Maureen McKellar