2021 February – Ash Wednesday

LENT IS traditionally a time of self-denial in the Christian tradition, but in this time of enforced denial of freedoms the rector of Holy Trinity has other plans for his flock: taking something up for Lent.

As meeting together is not allowed, he suggests a kind of meditation in the form of an ‘awareness walk’ – something we are permitted, indeed encouraged to do.

Each member of the congregation has received a Lent pack in the post this week consisting of a small sachet of ashes made from last year’s palm crosses, and a new palm cross. These symbols mark the beginning and the last days of Lent: Ash Wednesday, when the imposition of ashes reminds us that we shall all return to dust, and Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, which begins the solemnities of Holy Week.

The services will be conducted over Zoom as we have become used to over the Lockdown.

The book, Living His Story by Hannah Steele, will be used for this year’s Lent study course, also conducted by Zoom.

Printed 19 February 2021