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Holy Trinity – Candlemas

LOCKDOWN SEEMS so hard this time around.

Maybe, our winter weather, or the fear of the faster spread of the virus. So as we came to church on Sunday, albeit virtually, it was wonderful to meet up with our fellow Christians. Some 55 gathered online with candles to celebrate the feast of Candlemas.

David told the congregation Candlemas marks the end of the Christmas season, and is a pivotal day between Christmas and Easter. , The reading was about Simeon and Anna waiting for the Lord to appear and blessed with seeing the baby Jesus. Others were coming and going in the temple hut so busy they failed to see the momentous event of God coming into the world.

David reminded congregants that at their baptism they were given a candle as a symbol of the Light of Christ in the world. As candles were lit, David told the throng to take their light into the world and help others to feel less alone in this awful time, knowing God is with us.

Everyone is welcome to join the services, for further details have a look at the website www. holytrinitydunoon.co.uk or ring the rector on 01369 70244.

Printed 05 February 2021