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Archives by date

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Sunday 31 January 2016

Sunday 31 January 2016 Candlemass [sic] at Holy Trinity Candlemas is an ancient festival of the church. It celebrates Mary and Joseph presenting the baby Jesus at the temple where […]

From Priest in Charge to Rector

From Priest in Charge to Rector

On 17 January The Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, collated the Very Rev Andrew Swift as the Rector of Holy Trinity Dunoon and St Paul’s […]

Sunday 17 January 2016

Sunday 17 January 2016 It wasn’t quite ‘standing room only’ up the hill at Holy Trinity last Sunday, but it came close. Holy Trinity and St Paul’s Rothesay joined forces […]

Christmas 2015 to Epiphany

Christmas 2015  to Epiphany HOLY Trinity celebrated the coming of the Light into the world at Christmas with a number of events. A carol service was held in the darkness […]

Sung Compline

Sung Compline on Wednesday at 19:30 – all welcome

Prayers for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories on the 24th of each month

  General Synod 2015 approved the Global Partnerships Committee motion that members of the Scottish Episcopal Church be encouraged join the Scottish ecumenical initiative, promoted by Christian Aid, in praying […]

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