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Archives by date

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25 December 2016 – Christmas

HOLY TRINITY CHRISTMAS Holy Trinity began Christmas in darkness. at 11.30pm  on Christmas Eve with the singing of the Advent Song. Then the solo voice sang the first verse of […]

December 2016 – Experience the meaning of Christmas (Dunoon Grammar School)

S1 Explores the meaning of Christmas (Dunoon Grammar School) On Wednesday December 13, Sl pupils were given the opportunity to explore the real meaning of Christmas for themselves. Experience Christmas […]

Posada at Holy Trinity

Mary and Joseph and the donkey have begun their journey around Dunoon and district, spending each night  with somebody until they arrive at the stable during the carol service. which […]

Advent at Holy Trinity

Advent is here. The excitement of the children is palpable. It means Christmas is not far away. Meanwhile at Holy Trinity we are waiting in expectation. We are waiting for […]

Sunday 16 October 2016

Holy Trinity 16 October 2016 The young people at Holy Trinity set up a link with string to help them understand what prayer was – contact with God even when […]

Café was Haven for games Visitors

The Dunoon churches’ Haven Café was again serving lots of tea and coffee at Cowal Games and a welcome opportunity of a seat. All proceeds are sent to Cowal Hospice […]

Heritage Open Day at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity’s doors were wide open last Saturday as they celebrated Heritage open Day. Visitors were given the chance to see the vestments, silver, old church records and displays of […]

New Depute Lieutenant

HM Lord Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute, Patrick Stewart MBE WS, has appointed a new depute lieutenant for Dunoon and East Cowal. The appointment follows the retirement of previous depute,, […]

Open Doors and a Warm Welcome at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity has opened its doors every day this summer for visitors who wish to scale the heights above Kilbride Road to visit the peaceful site. The doors will be […]

Sunday 19 June 2016

There was a sombre mood prevailing in Holy Trinity this Sunday as, like people everywhere, they sent prayers for the many people whose lives have been broken by events this […]

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