Prayers for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories on the 24th of each month

General Synod 2015 approved the Global Partnerships Committee motion that members of the Scottish Episcopal Church be encouraged join the Scottish ecumenical initiative, promoted by Christian Aid, in praying for Israel/Palestine on the 24th day of every month. This initiative was supported by a motion which called for the recognition and support of the Pope’s recent recognition of the State of Palestine and his call for reconciliation. 

As well as praying as an individual you are invited to join with other others in this Ecumenical prayer time at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Dunoon. This short service of prayer will normally take place at 10:00 am on the 24th day of the month in Holy trinity Church. Please check the events list on the home page for any variations. 
An information flyer for the series of services at Holy Trinity is available here and you are welcome to print off a copy to use for publicity in your own community.  Flyer – Prayer for Israel and Palestine   

A copy of the service booklet as used at Holy Trinity, using from material on the Christian Aid website, is also available here. You are welcome to print of a copy for your individual use. Prayer for Israel and Palestine