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Sunday 5 July 2015

Elaine Garman from Rothesay began work as our new trainee curate this Sunday and was thrown in at the deep end with a preach as well as deaconing for Hugh. The gospel reading from Mark Chapter 6 dealt with the less than enthusiastic reception Jesus received in his home town of Nazareth. After they left, Jesus sent his disciples out into the towns and villages nearby to spread the word, advising them that is they were not well received, to leave, shaking the dust from their feet. As Christians, we occasionally find ourselves the objects of scorn in a secular world, and sometimes speaking out about our faith is difficult. Fortunately, we are given the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit and the prayers and support of other Christians to give us courage. Elaine has set out on her journey to speak up for her faith to the people of Rothesay and Dunoon. The Christian communities are right behind you with support, Elaine!

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