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Sunday 19 July 2015

Way back in 2008 our wee church was facing a crisis. The church and rectory were in a state of disrepair, we needed financial help from the province to pay our Rector and although the congregation was faithful and hardworking, too much was falling on too few shoulders. We held a meeting to review the situation and look for a way forward. From that meeting certain priorities emerged: our beautiful church building with its numinous space and lovely acoustic and our liturgy, the way we worship. We also put together a list of dreams – what would our church be like in the future in the best case scenario?

This Sunday we held another meeting to try to discern the way forward for the Holy Trinity community, and we realised that many of our best-case-scenario hopes and dreams from before were fulfilled – yea, even unto having a toilet! A lot of hard work has gone into this transformation, but faith and a determination to worship God in our way – with liturgy and music – in our beautiful wee church on the hill, buoyed up by the Holy Spirit, is what drives us in our endeavours.