Summer at Holy Trinity brings our regular visitors from the airts and pairts, and this Sunday we were delighted to welcome the Revd. Ruth LaMonte and her husband, Ed, from Birmingham, Alabama once more. As Andrew, Mary and the family were on holiday, it was lovely to have Ruth celebrate once again. Ruth was the first woman to celebrate the Eucharist in Holy Trinity, way back when it was still unusual, paving the way for our first female incumbent, the Revd. Kimberly Bohan. Thiis week’s reading from Mark’s gospel was of the death of John the Baptist, the last of the prophets, who paved the way for Jesus by calling for the people to turn back to God’s ways.
The previous Thursday found a large group from Holy Trinity enjoying coffee and scones at the Yachtsman. Meeting for coffee once a month has become a bit of a tradition. It’s open to all and there is no specific agenda – just an opportunity to get together and catch up with each other’s lives, to give and receive mutual support and to have a bit of fun. It’s all part of building a supportive, inclusive Christian community, which is, after all, exactly what Jesus taught.