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News Items

Sung Compline

Sung Compline on Wednesday at 19:30 – all welcome

Prayers for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories on the 24th of each month

  General Synod 2015 approved the Global Partnerships Committee motion that members of the Scottish Episcopal Church be encouraged join the Scottish ecumenical initiative, promoted by Christian Aid, in praying […]

The Haven at Cowal Games

Dunoon churches are repeating “The Haven” café at the Cowal Highland Gathering on the 26th and 27th August 2016.  The café tent on the hill in the stadium has run […]

Dean Andrew and Revd Elaine

New Curate for Holy Trinity Dunoon & St Paul’s Rothesay

              On Saturday 27 June 2015 the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, ordained Rosemary Bungard and Elaine Garman as […]

Holy Trinity welcomes the Bishop of Zanzibar

On the 19th of  February 2015, we had a visit from Bishop Michael Hafidh, the Bishop of Zanzibar, and the diocesan Secretary General Rev Nuhu Sallanya. The Episcopal Diocese of […]

Canon Hugh Lee Installed in Cathedral of the Isles, Cumbrae

Saturday 25th October 2014: Installation of former rector of Holy Trinity Dunoon, Hugh Lee, by Bishop Kevin as honorary canon of the Cathedral of the The Isles, Cumbrae. Hugh has served […]

Update on restoration project: photos October 2013

Some images from the later stages of the restoration project http://www.holytrinitydunoon.co.uk/restoration-project-2013/

Restoration Project – April 2013 Update

Alleluia! Work is just about to begin on the major repair and restoration project at Holy Trinity.  We have moved out of the church building while this takes place, and […]

Heritage Lottery Update – Jan 2013

As reported in the latest magazine (Winter/Spring 2013) we have now applied (as of late Jan 2013) for the full development funding for the Restoration Project.  The architects have selected […]

A new Dean for Argyll and The Isles

The Reverend Andrew Swift has been appointed Dean of the Diocese  of Argyll and The lsles. In making the appointment Bishop Kevin said: “It is a particularly exciting time in […]

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