On Sunday at Holy Trinity, with St Paul’s Rothesay, our sister church, we worshipped again using Zoom videoconferencing. Now more than 50 people are with us from all over the UK and further afield. Each week people are joining for the first time.
[The Gospel reading was the parable of the sower, familiar to most people. Our Rector, David, chose to help us to consider ourselves as the sower. He asked us to think about sowing ourselves in the world, to think about the example our lives showed others about God’s love for everyone.] (Submitted but not printed.)
Although the Government have now agreed that churches may be open for worship, the Vestry agreed that we should take our time and ensure we have prepared fully for this. For the remainder of July, the church building will be open for private prayer on Wednesdays from 2.00 – 4.00 pm. Thereafter we will begin gently with our normal 5.30pm Thursday Eucharist, still taking care of those not ready to venture out by continuing with Zoom Sunday services for a good while. We anticipate these continuing for a while even after we resume Sunday worship
Meanwhile, we continue to meet using technology, we care for each other and our neighbours and friends in whatever way we can. We continue to worship, and we continue to pray for all people.
Everyone is welcome to join the services, for further details have a look at the website www.holytrinitydunoon.co.uk or Facebook page, which are kept up to date with upcoming services and events, or ring the Rector Rev David Railton 01369 702444.
Printed 17 July 2020