Pentecost at Holy Trinity
ON SUNDAY at Holy Trinity, with St Paul’s Rothesay, our sister church, we celebrated Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, 50 days after Easter.
We could not be in the church building, but we are now accustomed to worship using Zoom. People often wear red as a sign of the fire of the Spirit and there was lots of red on Zoom.
We heard the Pentecost reading telling when the disciples were preaching in the streets of Jerusalem everyone present could hear the good news in all the different languages there that day. Some of us read the reading in nine different languages to hear a flavour of what it was like. Fortunately, the words were on the screen in English!
At the end of the service we were commissioned to go out into the world and live as we had proclaimed.
It may be some time before we can return to our lovely church building, but meanwhile, we continue to meet, to care for each other and our neighbours and friends in whatever way we can. We continue to worship, and we continue to pray for all people.
Everyone is welcome to join the services, for further details have a look at the website www. holytrinitydunoon. or Facebook page, which are kept up to date with upcoming services and events, or ring the Rector Rev David Railton 01369 702444.
Printed – Friday 5 June 2020