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The New Bishop of Brechin

The New Bishop of Brechin

THE VERY Rev Andrew Swift of Holy Trinity in Dunoon has been elected as the new Bishop of Brechin.

He has been Dean of Argyll and The Isles since 2012, Rector of Dunoon and Rothesay since 2010 and a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church General Synod from 2011.Andrew’s last service in Holy Trinity will be on July 29, and he will take up his new duties following his consecration in August in St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee.

We caught up with him to find out his reaction to his election and his thoughts on leaving Dunoon.Andrew said: “The previous bishop retired and the people in the diocese were wondering who to vote for as his replacement. “I was asked to put my name forward, along with three other candidates; I was chosen, and elected on June 2.”

Andrew explained that there are seven dioceses in the Episcopal Church in Scotland, and to elect a new bishop all the clergy and a lay person from each church are responsible for electing one.  He said: “The decision was prayed on, on the day, and my election was the outcome. “I am really, really excited to be a bishop. The diocese stretches north to Aberdeen and down to Perth, and the churches all have very good people involved, both clergy and laypersons.”

Andrew explained that, although very excited about the move, he was slightly daunted at the much larger leadership ahead of him, with new people and new challenges. He went on: “Also, I’m going to be really sad to leave this brilliant town. “We’ve been here just over eight years and it’s been a really good ministry. Dunoon is a great place with great people and we have enjoyed our time here very much.”

As well as the people Andrew said he would miss “the rain and the midges” and, loath though we are to disbelieve a bishop elect, that statement surely must be taken with a pinch of salt!

Printed 22 June 2018