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Archives by date

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Sunday 17 June 2018 – Pentecost 4

SUNDAY WAS very unusual at Holy Trinity as there was no service. We had all travelled to St Paul’s Rothesay for the farewell service of our curate, Reverend Elaine Garman. […]

The New Bishop of Brechin

The New Bishop of Brechin THE VERY Rev Andrew Swift of Holy Trinity in Dunoon has been elected as the new Bishop of Brechin. He has been Dean of Argyll […]

Consecration of Bishop of Brechin

The service of consecration of the Very Rev Andrew Swift as Bishop of Brechin will take place on Saturday 25 August 2018 in St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee, at 2pm. The occasion […]

Holy Trinity Rector elected to Bishop of Brechin

New Bishops elected June 2, 2018 The Rev Canon Ian Paton has today been elected as the new Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane, and The Very Rev Andrew […]

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