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Sunday 17 June 2018 – Pentecost 4

SUNDAY WAS very unusual at Holy Trinity as there was no service.

We had all travelled to St Paul’s Rothesay for the farewell service of our curate, Reverend Elaine Garman. She has been with us three years as curate but most.of us knew her well as a lay member and secretary of St Paul’s. She is going to St John’s Forfar as Rector and we wish her well there. St Paul’s church was full, and Elaine celebrated the Eucharist and preached. She preached on the Gospel reading telling of God’s abundance. How, having received God’s love, much is expected of us.

We are to tell of God’s love and show God’s love to all people. On Sunday June 24 at 3pm we have the monthly ecumenical service for peace in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. It is a short service, and all are welcome.

Details  of other services and events can be found on our web site www.holytrinitydunoon. co.uk.


Printed 22 June 2018


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