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Experience Christmas – 2018

ON MONDAY December 17 SI pupils at Dunoon Grammar School participated in RME Christmas Experience.

The Christmas Experience is an interactive journey of the Christmas story and gives the pupils the chance to explore their own thoughts and opinions relating to the birth of Jesus. The experience con­sists of four stations, the message, the announce­ment, the promise and the journey.

The pupils learned about Mary’s encounter with the Angel Gabriel, Mary and Joseph’s trip to Bethlehem, the wise men and the gifts they brought, and finally about the shepherds being informed of baby Jesus’ birth.

After being at each of the stations the pupils gathered around the manger together to talk about their favourite part of the experience and shared what they learned.

The Christmas experience is organised by local churches including Paul Beautyman, Connor Barclay and Kayleigh Gillen and Susan Whyte from the EXP project, as well as Alan Wright from Dunoon Baptist Church, Di Tenant [sic], Maureen Mckellar and Dinkie McEwan, who are both [sic] members of the Holy Trinity Church, and RMPS teachers from DGS.

The Experience was enjoyed by all the pupils. Kiara said: “I really like the Christmas Experience; it was so fun especially because it was interactive.” Hayden said: “The Christmas Experience was very good and informative.” Sorley said: “I learned quite a bit from it, it’s very educational.” As well as the pupils enjoying it, the helpers had a great experience as well.

Kayleigh and Connor from EXP said: “It shares the stories and journeys each person went through who were involved in the journey. “It’s easy and a great way of teaching the pupils about the birth of Jesus.” Alan from The Dunoon Baptist Church said: “Great way of telling the story without pressuring the young people, it’s very encouraging.” Paul Beautyman said: “I love the Christmas Experience, it shares the story in a way which you can use your imagination and picture the story as your own. I’m very grateful to the school for this opportunity.”

Iona Sergeant, S4, DGS

Printed Friday 28 December 2018



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