Easter Experience at DGS

A local team of church members from a variety of churches in Dunoon brought the Easter Experience to the school [Dunoon Grammar School] on Monday March 26.

They had five stations set up to represent different experiences during Easter, such as The Last Supper and Hopes and dreams – The Palm Road. The School Vision Statement is to keep our school at the heart of the community and this is shown very clearly in the Easter experience when the local church team come in to our school.

One of the leaders from the Church of Scotland, Paul Beautyman said: “It’s so important to give pupils a chance to think about their values. “It’s intriguing to see how well the children interact. There are so many connections with people’s lives and the Easter stories.”

We asked the students what they thought of the experience and we got some positive feedback, things being said like: “It’s a better way of learning”; “It’s much more fun than sitting at your desk reading from a book, it gives more background and easier to understand”; “It’s a great experience”; “Very educational” and “It’s engaging and interesting”.

The Rev Andrew swift said: “The Easter experience project is a chance for young people to see what these important Christian festivals are based on and for to engage with the story with multi-sensory activities. “They also bring their own experiences into these accounts by sharing their concerns, hopes, memories and fears. “The Easter experience has been running for many years and we are looking for it to continue.”

The Easter and Christmas experience allows students to learn through a variety of media and experiences, and offers the possibility of connecting aspects of religious and moral education with other subjects like English and Drama.

The Easter experience will continue for many years to come as part of the religious and moral education activities in the school with links to the local community.

Megan Arbuckle and Iona Sargeant, S3.

Printed 30 March 2018