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Easter Experience at DGS

A local team of church members from a variety of churches in Dunoon brought the Easter Experience to the school [Dunoon Grammar School] on Monday March 26. They had five […]

Love, Life and Hope

This weekend we will be eating large quantities of chocolate eggs, bunnies and almost any other shape that you can imagine. It is all a rather strange but enjoyable phenomenon, […]

Come and Pray at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity Church stands on Kilbride Hill surrounded by the beauty of the countryside and commanding views across the Clyde. No wonder the early Christians considered it a holy place […]

Assistant Curate appointed as Rector of St John’s Forfar

Our assistant curate, Rev Elaine Garman, has announced that she is to be the Rector of St John the Evangelist, Forfar. She will remain with Holy Trinity until early summer […]