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Thursday 25 January 2018 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

AT THE end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January 25 an Ecumenical service was held at Holy Trinity.

A number of the churches in Dunoon were represented and we celebrated what we had in common as we worshipped together. The service was taken from one produced by the World Council of Churches. It felt good to sing about being gathered together, joined by the Spirit, part of the body, the church of God. We were thankful for God’s goodness to the Christian churches. We heard about and learned from the experience of the Christians in the Caribbean, who found their lives transformed by God from oppression, colonisation and slavery to love and community. Our readings continued the theme of God’s transforming love and his wish for us, the church, to be in love and fellowship with one another.

In Dean Andrew’s reflection he suggested we had more in common than we often thought. We all loved and served God by following scripture, working for justice and peace, ministering to those in need, showing hospitality to the stranger and loving our fellow humans. We shared the Peace with one another and were commissioned to go out into the world in the power of the Spirit. The final hymn rang in our ears – ‘wherever you travel, I’ll be there; and the creed and the colour and the name won’t matter, I’ll be there’.

We were a sign of Christian Unity in Dunoon.


Printed 2 February 2018

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