Sunday 20 March 2016 (Palm Sunday)

Palm Sunday at Holy Trinity

On Palm Sunday we begin Holy Week by celebrating Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. The people cheered and waved palms and everyone received a palm cross to wave.

The children learned more about Holy Week during their Sunday School time. They were each given a box with certain items in it and a worksheet with a task allocated each day of Holy Week. They enjoyed showing and telling the adults what they were going to do each day as they prepare for Easter.

A Good Friday Liturgy will be held at 2.00 pm in church. On Holy Saturday the Easter Vigil and Service of Light begins at 8.00 pm where baptismal vows are renewed, the new fire of Easter is lit and our first Easter Eucharist is celebrated. On Easter Day there will be a Family Eucharist at 10.30 am with children’s activities and an Easter Egg Hunt. All welcome at all services.