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Compline @Home

In your own home

Compline Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.

Morning Prayer@Home

In your own home

Morning prayer - using the liturgy on the SEC website Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.

Drop in Coffee Group

An informal gathering for a time of fellowship, sharing and laughter.

All Souls @Home

In your own home

A service for the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. During the service, there is the opportunity to remember by name, those we have known and loved who have died, and […]

Morning Prayer@Home

In your own home

Morning prayer - using the liturgy on the SEC website Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.


Holy Trinity Church

All Saints Sunday – Communion from Reserved Sacrament led by Dr Chris Brett who will also preach. All welcome.

Service of the Word @Home

In your own home

All Saints Sunday – Service of the Word led by the Rector, Rev David Railton. Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.

Morning Prayer@Home

In your own home

Morning prayer - using the liturgy on the SEC website Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.

Compline @Home

In your own home

Compline Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.

Morning Prayer@Home

In your own home

Morning prayer - using the liturgy on the SEC website Please use the contact form to request details of this Zoom service.