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Home (original)

A very warm welcome!

We are a lively and welcoming community of the Scottish Episcopal Church, living and worshipping in the beautiful Cowal peninsula in the Diocese of Argyll and The Isles.

Installation of Rector

Revd David Railton was installed as Rector of Holy Trinity on Saturday 27 April 2019 by the Right Reverend Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles.
See  New Priest for Holy Trinity


Our regular services:

Altar Flower Arrangement for Christmas with Candles

 Sunday 10.30am
Normally Sung Eucharist
Sung celebration with hymns, there is also children’s activity space.

Thursday 5.30pm
Normally Holy Communion
A quiet time of worship

You are welcome to join us at Holy Trinity whatever your circumstances, and however secure or tentative your faith. You might even want to linger for coffee and a blether after the Sunday morning service.

Look out for additional services listed in the calendar.

Stained glass - Angel holding a banner with "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Holy Trinity is part of the Anglican Communion, in the same family of churches as the Church of England, the Church in Wales, the Church of Ireland, and The Episcopal Church in the United States. We are also in communion with the Scandinavian Lutheran churches and the Old Catholic churches.

If you are in the habit of using the Internet to buy goods and services, please consider signing up with EasyFundRaising if you are not already using their system. If you use Amazon for your online purchases, consider using Amazon Smile and select Holy Trinity as the charity you wish to support.

We hope you enjoy looking around our website, and would love to see you in Dunoon if you are passing!



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