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A very warm welcome to this website!


Our church building is closed to the public:

It is the saddest day as we learn that with the acceleration of the corona-virus – all churches and cathedrals of the Scottish Episcopal Church will need to remain closed until the threat diminishes in order to protect everyone.

As we receive the news and feel the sadness of all that this means … be blessed in the knowledge that we will find God in other places, we will learn to worship in new ways and we will return rejoicing when this ceases.

We are asked to continue the practice begun of lighting a candle at 7pm every Sunday and praying for the world, for each other and for the swift end of this pandemic.


Let we whom the spirit lights bring light to the world!
The church is the people, not the building. We are the body of Christ wherever we are – he promised to be with us always.


Despite the above, we remain a lively and welcoming community of the Scottish Episcopal Church, living and worshipping in the beautiful Cowal peninsula in the Diocese of Argyll and The Isles.

Stained glass - Angel holding a banner with "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"Holy Trinity is part of the Anglican Communion, in the same family of churches as the Church of England, the Church in Wales, the Church of Ireland, and The Episcopal Church in the United States. We are also in communion with the Scandinavian Lutheran churches and the Old Catholic churches.

If you are in the habit of using the Internet to buy goods and services, please consider signing up with EasyFundRaising if you are not already using their system. If you use Amazon for your online purchases, consider using Amazon Smile and select Holy Trinity as the charity you wish to support.

We hope you enjoy looking around our website, and would love to see you in Dunoon if you are in the area after the Coronavirus crisis has passed!


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