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Sunday 29 March 2020 – Holy Trinity virtual church


Note: – Picture not used in newspaper report

“WE ARE well into week two of the lockdown and somehow, despite all the restrictions, we are still feeling a sense of belonging to the community at Holy Trinity,” Maureen McKellar writes.
“We are worshipping with the aid of technology at 10.30am on a Sunday and midweek, and people are joining us from far and wide.
“We had more than 35 on Sunday, traditionally called Passion Sunday. The beginning of the fortnight leading up to Easter.
“The Gospel reading was the story of the raising of Lazarus, the friend of Jesus and brother of Martha and Mary. David, our Rector, based his reflection on the story.
“He said that one phrase stood out for him – Martha’s question -‘if you had been here, my brother would not have died’. We often ask a similar question, ‘why God, why?’ We want to believe in a God who is good and loving, yet we cry out and feel abandoned by God in pain, in sorrow, in bereavement. That is felt no more so than now in our isolation, loneliness and bewilderment.
“David reminded us that Jesus’s reaction when he met Martha and Mary and heard their sobbing was to weep along with them.
“In our moments of darkness and despair we are not abandoned by God, we are accompanied by God Incarnate, Jesus, weeping with us, crucified for us.”


Printed 3 April 2020