Sunday 15 March – Lent 3

Holy Trinity

Little did we know up the hill at Holy Trinity that this would be our last gathering as a church community for the foreseeable future! Already changes had taken place – Communion in one kind (no wine) and no shaking hands or hugs, even at the Peace and no passing of the collection plate.  Even so we felt thankful to God that we could still worship together as a community. Sadly this is no longer the case.
Our Rector, David, abandoned his sermon to give us some thoughts on the current Corona virus situation, reminding us about keeping safe, but encouraging us to keep in touch by phone or other means to alleviate the feeling of isolation.
Suddenly this is all very real and we must think about alternative ways to worship and look after each other, as well as helping our friends and neighbours in our own communities. David our Rector (01369 704444) and Maureen our secretary (01369 703058) are both available to phone for any needs, both spiritual and practical.
A couple of weeks ago some us attended the Diocesan Conference where the guest speaker, Dr Sam Wells of St Martin in the Fields church in Central London, a church famous for working homeless people, distinguished between existence and essence – essence being of God.  Sam stressed that God is always with us through all life trials.  In God we will find strength to get through this strange period of uncertainty. Timely advice indeed!

Our web site is up to date about what is happening as the restrictions get greater.   We must follow the Scottish Episcopal Church guidelines, and this is to cease public services with immediate effect.  We hope to have alternative means of worship.


Printed 20 March 2020