2020 January – Baptism

Baptism at Holy Trinity

There was much excitement at Holy Trinity on Sunday and a full church.  What was the occasion?  We welcomed a new baby by baptism into the church.

Infant Baptism has taken place in the Christian Church since the very early days of the New Testament when the parents and godparents make promises on behalf of the child.  On Sunday, in addition to the parents and godparents promising to care for the child and teach him about Jesus, we as a church promised to nurture and pray for him.  We were reminded of our own baptismal vows as a candle was presented to the child’s family.  We are all called to be a light in the world.

The main services at Holy Trinity are Sunday at 10.30am and Thursday at 5.30pm.  All are welcome.  Other services and events are shown on our web site: www.holytrinitydunoon.co.uk