Rectory visit – 3 August 2019

MANY PEOPLE from both Holy Trinity and St Paul’s Rothesay were keen to see all the work that had been done on the Rectory before our new Priest David Railton and his wife Sarah moved in.

We were delighted to be welcomed to a coffee morning at the Rectory last week and around 30 of us from both churches enjoyed some good conversation and some excellent refreshment.





On Tuesday some of us visited Christ Church, Lochgilphead, to celebrate the Feast of Transfiguration where we were given a good welcome and we heard David preach. This is an ancient festival begun in the late 4th century and considered pivotal as it revealed Christ’s glory prior to the crucifixion, and anticipated his resurrection and ascension.

During the holidays, services are as usual 10.30am Sunday and 5.30pm Thursday.

Come and see us at the Haven Tent at Cowal Games where the churches of the town get together to offer teas and coffees and a welcome seat.

More information about Holy Trinity on website: www.


Printed 9 August 2019