First Service

David and his family

The Reverend David Railton’s first service at Holy Trinity on May 5 was a joyous affair.

The church was still looking beautiful with the Easter flowers and there was much to celebrate with Easter and the new Rector.

The Gospel reading told of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples on the shore at Galilee. How the disciples did what he asked of them, to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. What followed was a miraculous catch of 153 fish.

The young people also heard the story and went fishing for 153 fish and showed David their hard work with a net full of fish and artistic drawings.

The Vestry wanted to thank Reverend Canon Paddy Allan for her enormous help during the vacancy and David presented to her, on our behalf, a card, poem, flowers and a cheque.

Details of services on   website: www.


Printed Friday 10 May 2019