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Sunday 28 October – Pentecost 23


HOLY TRINITY’S congregation was delighted to welcome Canon Paddy Allen to celebrate the Eucharist at the church on Sunday.

The Gospel reading was about Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus and Paddy preached about the reading encouraging us to ask for healing from Jesus.

Although we are still in a vacancy, worship continues much as before with the aid of visiting clergy and the Lay Team.

The Bishop is coming on Sunday November 18 for our service at 10.30am.

We will remember our loved ones who have died at the All Souls service today, Friday November 2, at 5.30pm.

We have a Russian Choir Concert on Thursday November 8 at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity and the Christmas Fair in the Hanover Street Hall on Saturday November 17 10am-12noon.

Details of services and events can be found on the web site www. holytrinitydunoon.co.uk.


Printed Friday 2 November 2018


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