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Sunday 22 April 2018

Joy and Wonder at Holy Trinity

ALL WAS silent as we prepared to begin our service. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of a child laughing. Some of the adults exchanged glances and smiled. Somewhere God was smiling too.

We are still in the Easter season and Elaine our curate preached on the gospel – Jesus explaining to the Pharisees that he was the Good Shepherd, showing God’s great love for us all.

At the final hymn, the bubble machine was switched on and the laughing child stood in joy and wonder as the bubbles fell all around. More smiles. It reminded the adults that we were to be as little children to enter God’s kingdom.

Holy Trinity Coffee Morning with stalls will be held on Saturday April 28 from 10am to 12noon in the Hanover Street Hall. We look forward to meeting everyone.


Printed 27 April 2018


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