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Sunday 9 April 2017 – Palm Sunday

PALM SUNDAY saw Holy Trinity, like other Christians everywhere, celebrate  Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

It felt good to sing Hosanna, even knowing in a few days we would be joining the crowd in Jerusalem crying ‘Crucify Him’. Dean Andrew reminded us that riots and false leaders have occupied the Middle East for 2,000 years and more.

Yet only this teacher from Galilee riding on a donkey, helping us understand God’s love for us all, changed the world.

As we prayed for all the tensions in the world we were grateful to be able to worship in peace as 45 Christians in Egypt were being murdered as they celebrated Palm Sunday in church.

Ecumenical services take place in Dunoon every day in Holy Week.

At Holy Trinity we have the Good Friday Liturgy at 2pm; on Easter Eve at 8pm we have Vigil and Service of Light, and then on Easter Day at 10.30am we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection and again we shout out – this time “Christ is Risen. He is Risen Indeed!”


Printed 14 April 2017